BMW Efficient Dynamics lightweight design 2014

Видеa 25 февруари 2014 | YouTube
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When it comes to reducing fuel consumption, vehicles of the BMW and MINI brands set benchmarks worldwide in the premium segment. No other manufacturer has reduced its vehicles' CO2 emissions faster and more steeply than the BMW Group. In Europe, fleet fuel consumption was reduced by well over 25 per cent between 1995 and 2008, and for the period 2008 to 2020 the Group is targeting a further 25 per cent reduction, this time worldwide. As of February 2014, the model range of the BMW and MINI brands already includes 39 models with CO2 emissions of 120 grams or less per kilometre. And more than half a year early, well over 100 BMW Group models already meet the tighter emissions standards set by Euro 6, which is scheduled to take effect in September 2014. ► SUBSCRIBE NOW: ► FACEBOOK: ► TWITTER: ► GOOGLE+:




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