Браво Галя, браво Лазурит 94

Main November 29, 2006 | Auto-Press.net A- A+ 2338 views | no comments

Известната българска фирма Лазурит 94, представител на боите Glasurit на BASF, сътвори световна новина в рамките на немската химическа империя. В световния уеб-сайт на германския гигант е публикувана голяма статия, посветена на успехите на неговите български представители, водени от успешната наша бизнесменка Галина Дойчинова. По долу поместваме дословно текста и снимките публикувани в сайта.

Innovation award for VOC-compliant paint system
Glasurit paint system wins gold medal in Bulgaria

If you put your faith in the Glasurit label, you can only win. This is what our Bulgarian Glasurit partner, Lasurit-94 AG, found out in September. In a competition at Bulgaria’s biggest international industrial fair, Lasurit-94 entered the complete Glasurit VOC-compliant paint system - and promptly won the gold medal in the chemicals category.

Three months before Bulgaria’s accession to the EU, the Plovdiv Industrial Fair - a major international exhibition - was staged. From 25 to 30 September, more than 2,000 exhibitors from 48 countries presented their range of products. The Bulgarian Glasurit importer, Lasurit-94, also appeared with its stand.

One of the fair’s highlights was the Innovation Competition. Innovative products making a major contribution to environmental protection were sought. Lasurit-94 hardly hesitated before entering the complete Glasurit VOC-compliant paint system.

This waterborne paint system with components ranging from primers to clearcoats then proceeded to convince all along the line, as it combines ecology with efficiency and thus benefits both the environment and the bodyshop in equal measure. The paint system is VOC-compliant; that means that it contains fewer solvents and thus meets the environmental standard that also applies to the new EU member, Bulgaria, as from 1 January 2007. Bodyshops can use these products very quickly and safely at no great capital cost. Furthermore, the system is cost-effective in use and also meets high quality standards. Given this host of advantages, it is hardly surprising that the panel selected the Glasurit paint system from among 80 competitive products.

The award presentation ceremony was held on the exhibition site on 28 September 2006. It was here that Galina Doychinova, CEO of Lasurit-94 AG, was able to receive the gold medal for the most innovative and environmentally-friendly product in the chemicals category.

Galina Doychinova is very pleased with the success. But she is even more pleased about the fact that, for her customers, this innovative product has been a feature of reality for some time now. "For 8 years now, our customers have been working very successfully with the Glasurit waterborne paint system, she pointed out after the presentation ceremony. "And so far, Lasurit-94 is the only firm in Bulgaria to have such an environment-friendly automotive refinish paint system in its product range.

Lasurit-94 has been Glasurit’s Bulgarian partner firm since as early as 1994. It has been marketing these paint products for 12 years now - with great commitment and very great success. So successfully that, in Bulgaria, the Glasurit label is the front-runner in the automotive refinish paint field.


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